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Have you ever been intrigued about how a handbag is made? I was, and this is what sparked my interest in this handbag business all those years ago. The more I researched the idea, the more interested I became, as I loved the challenge I was faced with and learning the complexities of creating a physical product like a beautiful luxurious and unique handbag.
When I first started on the handbag journey 10 years ago I had this idea that I would be able to design, make and sell the bags all on my own. 😂
MISTAKE NUMBER 1: I very quickly realised that if I approached it in this way that this was not going to be a feasible business for me. It takes a long time to make (design, cut, glue, stitch) a single bag, especially with the complexities involved in the styles I wanted to create. Never mind making lots of them! 😕
MISTAKE NUMBER 2: 90% of the success in this business is in the marketing and selling of products. By spending all my time making the handbags I was never going to get time to do the selling too. There would be little point without this piece. 🙄
MISTAKE NUMBER 3: The time it took me to learn everything about the fashion and retail industry, the intricacies of the business, designing, manufacturing, marketing and selling luxury handbags was all a lot longer than I had planned. 😳
I am pleased to say that I got through it and here I am with some stories to tell. After plenty of trials and tribulations and quite a few collections under my belt I feel brave enough to share my experiences with you.
Committed to lifelong learning; Inspiring you to enjoy a vibrant life with freedom of self-expression.
Earlier this year I was inspired to create a leather tote bag which was different to the typical style handbag that I normally create. Generally, SHERENE MELINDA’S handbags focus on the hair-on-hide feature. However, in this case I wanted to create an extra-large soft and versatile shopping bag using some beautiful, glazed leather.